Proof Approval Form
Plus Packaging Inc. takes pride in our imprinting quality and ability to vividly produce your design on any of our products, from printed plastic bags, printed tape, mailing bags, and folding boxes, cartons and blister cards. To accomplish this we pay particular attention to the quality of artwork we receive. The following specifications detail our requirements in providing you exceptional imprinting of your logo. Artwork not meeting these standards may incur additional costs and time.
The proof approval form can be found here. There are two pages and both must be signed and faxed back in order to proceed with your order.
Digital Art
For best results, we prefer VECTOR ART created in Adobe Illustrator. Vector images are created in a drawing program and consist of shapes based on mathematics. These graphics contain clear, smooth lines that retain their sharpness and proportions when edited. When submitting your vector art, we accept the following:
- Media: ZIP, disks or CD
- Email: If you are unable to directly upload your logo, please forward your art files to or to Media Fire, which is an FTP site. You do not need an account to upload a file and it is totally FREE. Simply upload your file and email us the URL for that file so that we can view your artwork. If this artwork is for an order simply put your PO# and Company name in the subject field of the email for immediate assistance.
Important Note: A scanned image (e.g. .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .tiff, .psd, .pdf) or art created in a photo/paint program is not vector art. In addition, placing, linking, embedding, or copying these images into a drawing program does not convert them into vector art and will not meet our art requirements.
Art / Printing Plate Charges
You will be advised before your order is placed what the estimated cost will be for printing plates, and artwork charges. The more complete the information is from you, the easier it is to create artwork and plates, and deliver your product quickly. We have complete design services available, and can help you create your custom printed paper bag, packaging tape, or carton to your complete satisfaction. Artwork charges will apply at a rate of $75.00 per hour if the order is placed and then cancelled. The plate charge will include a digital proof, engravings and plates requested revisions will be charge accordingly after initial proof.
Accepted Programs and Formats
For best results, please submit VECTOR ART.
Multiple Color Designs
For best results on small run orders, artwork must be pre-approved by Plus Packaging Inc. for printability. Digital art must be vector art.
- Ink imprinting. Colors must be separated by at least 1/2″ to allow for color movement. Please note that some color movement will still occur. Multi-color imprinting is not available on some bags.
- Foil Imprinting. Colors must be separated by at least 1/4″ to allow for color movement. Please note that some color movement will still occur. Designs with tighter registration must be pre-approved.
Halftones (Photos or Photographic Images)
For best results, artwork consisting of halftones must be pre-approved; depending on quantity ordered. An example of printing scales would be: For small runs designs must be printed at 30 lines per inch at a 45 degree angle, with tint percentages not lower than 20% nor greater than 60%. All large run orders must be 600 dpi or better.
20% | 30% | 40% | 50% | 60%
30LPI | Grayscale
After viewing your artwork we will make recommendations or suggestions, after seeing what equipment we would run your job on. Call us for further information.
Stock Designs
Stock designs and clip art are available. Call to request a faxed sample sheet.